Let’s Talk Business Management
Coach Lyon, LLC is managed 100% different than counseling, pastoral counseling, or spiritual counseling.
That is the structure of the company services.
Dr. Martin E. P. Suligman mentions in his book Authentic Happiness “using the new positive psychology to realize your potential for lasting fulfillment”, that many psychologists and psychiatrists formed a panel to create an official system intended to be the opposite to the DSM (if you don’t know that is, it is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders), which would encompass basic strengths and how to develop those strengths. With any psychological program there has to be criteria and their criteria would be that all the strengths had to be:
1. valued in almost every culture
2. they are valued in their own right, not just as a means to other ends
3. and they had to be malleable
So with Coach Lyon being a coaching company that is rooted in the truth and how the universe and humans were designed, we get to then make our own structure just like the DSM and this panel that I just talked about, and what they did or will do for Positive Psychology.
Which is exciting! That makes us pioneers!
We will use the psychological structure.
Our criteria for what we implement have to:
1. be of the principles that create spiritual development and the principles and rules of only life and success in almost all humans and culture
2. been psychologically tested by scholarly and peer-reviewed Ph.D/Psy.D’s or MD’s
3. and must be tied into other principles of the 3-dimensional human (mind, body, and spirit) to develop each dimension of a person and/or family
Coach Lyon, LLC is a life coaching company that operates in the development of the mind, body, and spirit and life success of every client. A client can deny development or a psychological assessment, verbal physical assessment, and/or a spiritual assessment. Liability is on the client or the parent clients of a family. We may refer a client, but will not “release” a client to a referral agency in the event they are a single-focus entity (i.e. mental health or yoga). We do not abide under the American Psychological Association or any other mental health association or pastoral counseling association. Coach Lyon is accredited by the International Association of Certified Coaches (IACC), has a course certificate in Positive Psychology by UNC Chapel Hill under Barbara Fredrickson, Ph.D., and is enrolled as of 09/2020 in The Science of Well Being course by Yale University. In addition, all staff will have a bachelors in a psychological science, will attend course classes such as the ones previously stated if they did not attend similar classes in their degree program, and will show an professional motivation for mental health, monetary gain, physical health, family, and spiritual development —
some staff will IN ADDITION have a professional motivation for MILITARY
Coach Lyon, LLC
“We find the root, kill it, rewire the lion within, and inspirit”
The root can be physical, spiritual, and/or psychological/neurological — why just assume the origin and use a search engine to assess your “symptoms”?
Coach Lyon is the only coaches of:
Restore the Family: Military Transitions or RTFMT; 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization.
“Coming alongside every military transition in the Triad, NC”
- Military Entry
- Military Exit: Families, individuals, & widows
- Foreign Military
- Federal Employees affected by RIF & Unspecified Government Employees (UGE) approved by the CEO. We are the all-inclusive Thin Green Line resource center
With a combination of ALL:
1. Transition Coaching (Coach Lyon, LLC)
2. Family transition research (academic research, staffing agencies, demographics, referrals such as free financial advisors)
3. Professional Development (resume’s, interview preparation, and career planning)
4. Community support
5. Veteran Affairs Administration — Advocacy (VA-A)
Coach Lyon at (military head over to RTFMT or it’s not free)
- Clients at
- Information at
- If you would like to change your status from “I’m pro-veteran” to “I support veterans”, give a donation at and
- EMAIL to receive a tax deductible letter.