First off, thank you for following me and my wife! I am curious now that I have checked out your page, why you did follow us. That is very interesting. I almost did not write a reply to any of your stories, but I assumed you wanted me to be honest and not use the fact that you followed me to be silent.
Which ones? KJV does, 21 Century, ASV, CSB, Holman, and most importantly, it is in Greek, stated in the New Interlinear Bible. In fact, all Bibles say it. Every single one. But, you only really need to concern yourself with ASV (the most accurately translated) and the New Interlinear Bible. Stating from the New Interlinear Bible, "This is the one coming through the water, Jesus Christ; not by the water only, but by the water and the blood. And the Spirit is the One witnessing, because the Spirit is the truth. For there are three bearing witness in Heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit, and these are one." It’s just a unity statement. Why go deeper? Any human with an absolute opinion and cannot just be at peace with not knowing something is talked about in the DSM-5.
What were the crusades that fought over this topic?
Polytheistic refers to worshipping separate beings – and not in Heaven, God’s Heaven, but a totally different place altogether. They don’t even exist in the same reality lol. So, instead of calling people what they are not and blaming them when they get mad at you (like if someone called you clickbait with no evidence - well, this article is evidence of that, so never mind), meet in the middle and say that you do not believe God's creation of Heaven and spiritual beings have a different capacity than earthly science, you want Christians to be caught in a lie (being smarter than the Bible gets you off), you want grammar to be on your side for some reason, and you possess absolutely no mistake about the theological components of unity or anything you say. Because you use a lot of statements. I would never dream of going through the Book of Mormon or some other religious text and saying, "Oh... I got you now, bub. Watch out!!" It's petty.
You said, “These verses cites the existence of the three, but doesn’t convey their equality.” For the verse, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” Matthew 28:19. God doesn’t need to convey the “equality” of “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit” lol. We’re talking about baptizing people here, in God, the Word, and in Truth. So let’s say you go to Heaven and you see three different beings, and God speaks as though they are one. Will you say, “That’s not how it works.” Fight God all you want and attack all His word. See if He cares. Even using marriage, as a symbol, for or against the trinity perspective, how many people will understand it? To God, marriage is lifelong commitment and love between God, husband, and wife. So tight, that not one quark can make its way through their perimeter wall. Anyone with any ounce of honesty and humility will have no problem say, “That’s pretty much the definition of unity.” At the end of the day, God speaks in many forms (i.e. parables). You telling God how the science works of the unity of spiritual beings is hilarious. To me, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit makes complete sense AND I do NOT call it, the “Trinity,” because it is not in the Bible. That word is associated with certain Christian denominations – not Christianity in whole. To start with. Second, of course when you “research” the topic, hundreds of writers will blanket “Trinity” over all Christianity. Why wouldn’t they? I could have told you that. That’s makes complete sense, too. But, that doesn’t have any evidence of truth. That’s like saying if we can more people to say 2+2=9 than 4, than it is. Not how truth or research works.
And yes, “The Word” is Jesus. That is one of the basic biblical fundamentals.
Another basic fundamental is we do not know if Jesus existed as a “separate” spiritual being before coming to earth. Many theologians have talked about the grammar, saying God used plurals in Gensis. But, that could point to two, not three. It could point to 9! It could point to God talking in the mirror. But, who cares if Jesus was or wasn’t there? Ask God. If I was that concerned about it, I would ask God before making a big assumption about the rest of the biblical truth associated with a distortion. Believing something false means you may die without knowing the truth. I would hate to be in that boat. Especially when you got into the boat without ever needing to. You jumped in a boat that had a big sign reading, “Die for nothing, come aboard.”
You brought this plural in Genisis, up yourself. But you took a very off-the-beaten-path route. You really said if we “actually research” (like theologians are dirt bags with no time in research, shmucks – way to give any respect to anyone, that’ll convince them) will see there absolutely was multiple gods. Again, with these absolutions. Researchers never give absolutes, but here you are, with all the answers, lol. And I think it’s clear cut that since that verse does give any sort of answer, a bunch of Kryptonians are not the answer, but they could be. Anyway, Eridu Genesis, also called the Sumerian Creation Myth. Key word, “myth.” What is the point behind bringing that up?
We can go further, and say evolutionists have not found an audible recording of God and that is proof the earth is 13 billion years old. They found Sharpie markings in a cave that absolutely no child, ever, ever, ever could have scribbled on and that is how we know Sharpie is 7.63 million years old.
Christians must have done something to you for you to be spewing myths around and researching beyond the words of Genesis. For that, I’m apologize for them. If I want a deeper look into Genisis, I will listen to theologians AND then research the aspects they talk about to see if I believe it. But going back to you saying the verse does not mention Jesus – yeah, we know. That’s why I leave it where it is and do not add it to Scripture. Not only because adding to Scripture is spitting on God’s face (via: Revelation), but it is an intellectual strategy to make a marking of that place, and not close the book on it. And definitely do not use another religion to answer other religions questions. What if I started doing that to everyone I met lol?
Holy Spirit. I feel like it’s basic day. We, as a world, already know what the Holy Spirit coming down was. Pentecost. That’s what it meant all along. Ever since it happened. The Holy Spirit coming into those who ask Him to come in. Anyone saying anything different is not talking about the Holy Spirit of the Bible.
Trinitarians, lol. Do people call themselves that? To each their own. I would hope you’re not just making fun of people, because that’s crummy. We know who calls people names. Bullies. And, terrorists, ISIS specifically, has called people names, too. Just saying, it’s in the research and also Google, but I am not using, “and also,” like the Bible uses it. It is the other meaning that every English teacher knows about.
You said, “Christ and God being one would possibly imply equality.” How is equality implied, spiritually? Is there a research citation for that? And, “would,” not “could?”
Genisis is Old Testament and used plural, but then you said, “Jews don’t believe that Christ was God incarnate, so it makes sense that an Old Testament aka Torah book would be pretty clearly monotheistic.” This is a case of cherry-picking. Researchers would be disappointed. Also, Torah is the first five books: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, in which, one has God saying, “We.” I can guarantee 72% of all five have one verse about God in plural. But it’s funny, if you Google “The Lord is One” we get what you said here in your story. I stipulated it was so, so I did tried it – and boom. But again, there are deeper contexts, such as Jesus was not gung ho on being a “Trinitarian.” God forbid Jesus doesn’t say everything so everyone in the universe can understand Him. You use the words, “This verse seems to be pretty clear cut” in this context, but when God said, “We” in Genisis you went straight to being “clear cut” that God was referencing multiple gods, and not, possibly, any being God had made in His image up there, or Him and the Holy Spirit, or including Jesus. Your “clear cut” has no foundation and is very wobbly. That’s a bias.
I would like to make a distinction. When the verse “points” to the “trinity,” you say, “These verses cites the existence of the three, but doesn’t convey their equality” and when the verse is “against it,” you say, “There!” and not, “But doesn’t NOT convey their equality.” That’s another bias. This whole story has a bias.
You say the verse “For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus” 1 Timothy 2:5, is evidence that Jesus made a distinction. And not referencing God cloning Himself, making Jesus Him, but also a separate being – but still Him. Why can’t God clone Himself? Why is that not clear cut? Do we know? Joking aside, there is another basic here. The basic is Jesus is known to also speak in a way they understood back then. It might not have translated; meaning there was no accurate word in English yet. Perhaps think of this as we go forward.
When Jesus said, “Do not look to me,” He meant look to the fleshy guy, WHICH they did not do, and that is why the angel had to correct them. Right after Jesus said that lol.
Lastly, due to time, you said the verse “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” Matthew 24:36, Mark 13:32 points to separate beings. Maranatha Baptist University covered this before. Even they did not say it (meaning, “nor the Son”) was evidence of anything. Because that’s a statement. We try to stay away from statements. However, they simply said it is still a mystery, including the fact that a human (Mark) was the one who wrote those words. Jesus did not write anything.
In conclusion. Some things will never be known. Be at peace with it. Don’t add to Scripture or use a different religion’s lens thinking that’ll do it; It doesn’t need help, just be honest and say you have no idea. Unless it is the basics, I did not make any absolutes.
But I agree with you that a lot of Christians believe the darndest things. I haven absolutely no idea why you listen to most people. I don’t. Especially if there is no dialogue. You are supposed to have questions while in church, unless you are in the wrong church. That is not biblical, and the furthest principle from a leader according to the Bible.
I am amazingly surprised that you are so far against God having three spiritual parts, when:
- The Bible has said both, for and against it, as you have directly said, but you still pick a side and claim it is evidence-based. It sounds biased.
- A book here on earth, a home, oxygen, even DNA is made of up of different parts, but we still call it by the form it looks to us unless we are describing each part’s designs in relation to something built upon. When we say, “God,” who in their sober mind would lower a Holy being that is so close to the Father? Again, that is nothing short of bias. Jesus never sinned, which makes him, spiritually, Holy. At that point, anyone with any spiritual conviction would give godly reverence. Unless they had no idea what it meant. What does Holy mean? Only God. That is the sheer skeleton of God Himself. Anyone, absolutely anyone who would say a person who has never sinned is not in the fabric of God, is most simply uneducated, theologically. No one who believes in God would ever say that. But God does give grace, of course, because knowledge is a privilege before it is a responsibility and God understands some people have not come into knowing it – and now you are responsible for that fact because you have been told now. Whether you believe it or not is not any concern to Heaven. It is solely your choice that you will live with.
- Who are the authors of the evidence either way? What are the reliability and validity of the authors? You said there is more evidence against it, but what about for it? Again, I don’t mean “Trinity.” You and I both know it’s not in the Bible. So, erase “Trinity” and use, “Book pages, book ink, and book cover and glue.” Try that lens.
- And, lastly, you can just say, “I lean more towards Jesus is just a good-freaking guy that does something of sorts for God – kind of like – how should I put it, when God snapped His fingers and Jesus was born a human to walk the earth as a human, ultimately becoming His call as the Last Sacrifice and reconciliation of sin, and the Last Priest, I don’t know. So, I’ll just say Heaven is fake, because only ignorance would say God would have been in the DNA of the Last Sacrifice.” It’s literally insane, philosophically and theologically. That has no basis of reality of leadership, but slavery. A person who says Jesus is not in “God,” but was reconciliation of sin, sees Him as a slave. And that, dissolves all of Heaven’s existence. God is not God at that point.