Gina hit it on the nail. Again, ha-ha.
As someone who thoroughly enjoys helping people attain a great life, I tell women who are separating from a man: 1) before deleting him, block his and all his friends phone numbers, emails, all social media, everything. 2) now delete everything, so you have no control to unblock anything because with time you will forget the number, etc. Called ghosting. Works like magic. 3) Set boundaries. The boundary is: worth. You are worth being someone's #1 woman/man. For me, I have no issue walking through hell with someone I love, but the very GD moment I'm #2, my response is "marry them then, because one day I'll be #2 again because your heart isn't in this, and this will be with the guy at work you think is a friend". Never take anyone back. If you and I are dating and you accept an email, text, or call from an ex and those come feelings back, I am now unsure of your stability to have my heart because you did not sever that "marriage" to him. Now I'm #2! You just became them. Love is heart surgery, one heart cannot hold two loves, pick well. That's why you can't trust anymore, that's why you had an HIV scare, you had a greater pregnancy emotionally, you are nervous about being vulnerable, etc. Your ex cannot be trusted to make a choice of a lifetime. You are dating/married to a child (don't be one yourself, ha-ha). But....... it took two people to say yes to them..... at some point they fooled you, probably because they checked all of your monetary success and sex boxes - but that stuff all changes in a heartbeat, but the heart doesn't change overnight. Find the root that made them. Their life anchor.
I just realized how long this was. I hope this resonated with someone.