Great story! I like that David and his story is coming back in the church's sights. In the past year there have been several books and movies that had come out.
Almost two years ago I started a little research short story about David. From when he was born to just when he killed Goliath. I wanted just to detail how David became David. A man that took out Goliath after just seeing him blaspheme, when God's "chosen" people let it happen for 40 days; just as David took out the lion and bear instantly, as they posed a threat to the innocent. I can't get in to the actual book details for it has been written yet, but hopefully within in the next 12 months it will be done.
Anyways, I enjoy reading about David!
Maybe you will give me feedback upon it's completion? Potentially, you can have a page to give your thoughts and to share whatever links or whatever to your work, too.