Hi, Josh here. Let's start from the beginning, the title: "10 Things Christians Don't Know About Jesus: for bible scholars, He's not the guy you hear about in church". Just title tells me I'm going to cringe quite often. I'm a Christian and I knew all 10 or had a response to all 10 without having a degree in Theology, I have a degree in Criminal Psychology from Liberty. Weird this seems to be written only for Bible scholars although we have the Holy Spirit in the New Testament.
Some points were out of context, even if the author had "references". Let's dialogue.
1) "Jesus is funny". Yeah, most speakers are, all throughout time. Jesus skipped the words "try her out" because that is only funny in weird sexual man caves and quite freaking disrespectful in normal conversations. It's not humor. Maybe to people who disrespects women... Not me. Jesus knew what He was doing and there is no connection. Why do I know this? Because Jesus spoke in parables when He wanted, Jesus would not have not said something if He meant for us to put our heads in the gutter just to see the humor, just like Americans. Only in America would we say that about Jesus comparing farm animals to women in bed. There is a reason to try out oxen, you don't "try out" women, you marry one.
3) "Gender-bendy" via only one translation and turns out not a translation I ever recommended. The one the author found. Most others do not say, "no form...". Good job. There is no mistake about His gender or He would not have been public speaking. Everyone knew He was a man or no one would have listened. Just look at the culture He was raised.
4) "Jesus is seen as marriageable", I thought he was "gender-bendy". Because biblical women who lived around men who's actually killed other men all really want the gender-bendy.
Also, the whole paragraph about the Samaritan woman is weird and I have been a Christian since I can remember. Jesus = Hebrew. Samaritan = Samaritan. Even the Samaritan woman said why it's weird that He spoke to her. Nothing to do with gender. Just ask her, she will tell you. She will speak to you in your dreams.
5) "Jesus dances". Yup. Everyone does. Even killers like David who's killed at least 300 men, a bear, and a lion.
5) "There's more Jesus than the four gospels". Yup. Or that means Jesus was non-verbal, because if you add up the red in the Bible, it's not much. Definitely not enough at all if you have 4,000 men and their families coming to hear you speak... Pretty simple.
6) "Jesus travels with women disciples" Jesus Chris! Ha-ha, NO. The 12 disciples, that's universal knowledge. There are 2 dozen other spiritual ministry gifts other than APOSTLE!! The disciples were apostles. Apostle means "sent one", hence why Jesus taught them and He was to leave them when He died. I'll give you 5 gifts of ministry, Ephesians 4:11 - too easy. As the author said, "Helping to support them" - Administration is a spiritual gift, mercy, faith, giving are gifts, "helps" is a gift. They were not Apostles in any context or correct translation. Were they in the ministry, YA, with a different gift.
8. "Jesus talks about His divine mother". Really...... Where do I begin? So, the Holy Spirit is a spirit and has no gender, I guess Jesus was an idiot and did not understand basic dictionary words such as spirit, which was WHAT impregnated Mary... "The Holy Spirit will come upon you" - as some mystical dragon told Mary in Russian. Now let's cover "the lost texts" - like God cannot watch over His Bible, right... because He's a loser. Is that the LDS church? Next.
8) "Jesus was cool with the LGBT crowd". Out of context. Jesus loved all. The Bible commands us to love all. Shall we do the American switch of Love the F-word? Because, dictionary. "in the ancient world, bisexuality seems to have been the norm" Yes... just like education today is at an all-time low. That doesn't mean God did it. But yes, let's refer to another author besides Scripture.
In reference to the centurion, when we reference Scripture since we are talking Christianity here, my Bible says "servant" and nothing about anything else unless we twist the context. And again, the author references another author when it suits him, this time about eunuchs. The funny thing about the Bible, is if a verse contradicts another verse, you have missed the truth. If Jesus goes against Scripture, He cannot be a part of the Trinity. God cannot be against Himself, that would make Him bipolar.
9) "Jesus was probably raped". Yes, could have been. Torture is torture. Do we need another sexual reference? I think we've had one in every point. Let's end on rape. Because, that detail really matters, like rape must've been the worst part of crucifixion...
Conclusion: 1) The Bible can say anything you want it to if you commit a sin, as the Bible says, "DO NOT ADD OR SUBTRACT" - now that's some English 101 right there.
And 2) I do not support this text as factual. But, as Medium.com says, "we don't fact check".