I Am in an Emotion Rut: At Least I Know What It’s About, Right?

How do we respond to life’s unique mountains it gives us?

Photo by Zakaria Boumliha: https://www.pexels.com/photo/man-holding-an-umbrella-in-an-open-field-3257933/

Giving someone candy versus a fishing pole will always do better in the polls

It’s a very complex situation that has me feeling like I’m in a rut. My mindset is that I am just out of…



J & J (Jessica & Joshua J. Lyon, BSQP, ACNP)
Know Thyself, Heal Thyself

She's an Accountant & he is an MA in Counseling student at Liberty U, has a BS in Criminal Psychology, is a Mental Health Worker, Combat Veteran, & Writer