I enjoyed reading your article! I don't always believe personal Medium stories, but I'd like to think you were very honest and open in this story. Really did think you hit it right on the nail.
I have to scratch my head, though, "latest research" and the article is 2018 and you quoted Plan International. I understand some people like them, but I've never liked them ever since I read this same article back in 2019, I think. Made me want to puke in my mouth a little bit - more so, due to the feel of the article being in opposition of the textbook The Developing Person Through the Life Span by Dr. Kathleen Berger, who she was able to write an entire textbook without giving away what political field she was in. Particularly in this research article (Plan International) they done, they quoted secondary sources and some tertiary sources, putting anyone quoting them in, what's after tertiary? Additionally, they did not follow research format with their content organizaton. That is a common thing we see when a case is being built towards a personal goal. Like I said, some people like them, but instead of goosebumps, they give me red flags and stomach aches.