I enjoyed this article, Alexandria!
So, let's talk men lol. I think if we had more intellectual men, we would let men without experience have a 5-second voice. Men have been missing proper development for years.
I have heard men say the same things and had to giggle. As I giggle, I hope they stay single.
Just as you said, men think celebrities and porn stars are naturally good looking. Ha-ha! I've never cared for celebrities at all (it's hard to investigate porn stars without getting unprompted images). If celebrities look best in movies, that should tell these men something (but some men are too dumb). There are very few naturally beautiful celebrities.
And porn, lol. Porn is so fake that I've read a story about a porn star who said, "my work is not sex. Sex is what my boyfriend and I do; that is what gives me pleasure. Everything about porn is essentially fabricated, even some video editing is done. I'm in a room full of people with cameras and a director acting as a choreographer." Not to mention, all the pre-filming woman beatification that takes place. That's definitely not natural, ha-ha! Everything done it to get the viewer as close to seeing everything about her skin and directed-movements as possible. If that was natural, that means women would not have time for an actual job and all women would need yoga class and male biology and psychology class everyday.
Nonetheless, I have known and do follow makeup extraordinaires who can change their actual face. The amount of women who do that is not statistically plausible to use in an argument or justification for men to say "take her swimming." Plus! Swimming?? (I just lost IQ). There is makeup that doesn't come off swimming.... ha-ha! Men...
If I have a man come up to me and tells me he thinks the woman he just met might be one of those extraordinaires, I tell him to take her to an outdoor festival in Florida or Louisiana in the summer if what he wakes up to is that important. But, that is few and far in-between. My wife only spends 10-15 minutes doing her face. Her makeup lines before blending are like 3, ha-ha! I've seen women blend about 12 different lines, but that is usually women doing it for themselves and trying new things. But of course, if he takes her to a fancy place for a date and she really likes him, she might go overboard a little, ha-ha. That is a very good thing for him. Another could-be exception is women with a lot of money who get to start work at 10:00, who I've seen as well - but, again, there is a reason for it, and that is business (more money).
If she is not relevant to a date or an event, then she put in negative effort to be with him. That is the only red flag. But then, again, it might not be a red flag if she was firefighter and had to run straight there.
In this point, men just shouldn't judge. I could have judged dozens of situations, but did not, and turned out that she did not relay information to me about something, making a justification for not getting back to a message for 4 hours.