I feel like you have trouble concentrating and having general reading comprehension. Which makes sense. Your response is the typical copy-paste response people who oppress and destroy women say. You want men and women to look alike, speak alike, live alike, etc. You are in favor of depleting the female brain. Which makes sense. It's who you are. Like I said, you are in fact having trouble with reading and comprehending basic grammar and sentences. OR you did not read the story and just got triggered by the title. I think there's a 50/50 chance. Dr. Louann Brizendine (Yale and Harvard Alumna) is my source. I just added things I have personally seen. I have seen these occur. Me. I've seen the things I write. Your head is in the sand. You love seeing women be bland. You love seeing women not have their own voice (like Dr. Louann). You find your life's work built around tearing women down. But, I understand. There are many like you out there.
I can go on forever. You have read 0 of my stories before taking a shot at me. Now I'm inclined to go to your page and not learn who you are before lobbing Molotov's at you, like our typical home-grown city burners. You are a city burner, aren't you? You have many correlations with people who do.
If you knew anything about me you would not know I'm anti-patriarchy, genius. You must not have read my conclusion. Again, I figured you only made it to line 4 in my story before getting high blood pressure.
I hope one day you will support women. But I have no faith that you will ever support women before you leave this earth. You would love nothing more than to see half of women's brain chemicals to be stopped and force them to be who they are not. Good for you. Stand up for what you think exists. Shove your truth on people. I applaud your work.
It is my prayer that you will find your own voice and that one day not have to open the Word Document and paste your responses. My heart goes out to you. I feel bad for you. With all that said, I have other articles that might be able to help you out. I'm here for you. I support your mental health.