Member-only story
If Pastors Say Things Outside of Scriptural Context, They are not Pastors
Quit attempting to “gain ammunition” against Christians. You just look silly. And really uneducated.
No pastor or Christian can say any of the following terms are Christian or biblical; some religions, though, believe in these terms:
- rape
- steal
- pretend
- cheat
- be lazy
- be a follower
- believe self-defense is murder
- gluttony is good
- have a scripted Sunday morning
- redefining love
- using slang is taking God’s name in vain
Any of the aforementioned is not Christian. There is no defense for any of those. The Bible speaks against all of those things, either verbatim or by intellectual reasoning. If you or someone you know has heard those things before, rest assured they have no place in my life or my faith, for any other Christian who understands Christianity, also.
Christians were pioneers in design, philosophy, anthropology, science, engineering, and defined and coined flight. The pastors who preach the things above were not with us. They are not Christian.