It's funny, I never believed that a woman being married meant anything to men. It all comes down to whether a man has the ability and the development to push through the chemical reactions he has in his brain. Some guys can't help but regardless how much they tried and others do have completely selfish motives in approaching women. I seen a lot of that when I was in the military. Guys never know if a woman is going to cheat on her husband enough, so most confident men will give it a shot. Additionally, many women, even women not married, will tell a man that she's married and at the end of the night will cheat on her husband.
I love that you blocked him without a word. That is one of the magical things that I enjoy reading. When I was doing approach experiments with women a few years ago, one woman really stuck in my head and that was a woman who when I walked up to say hi she kept on walking without even acknowledging my existence. That was the most beautiful act of being in a relationship that I've ever seen. I would hope my wife would be like that, which I'm married now but I don't know if she is like that. So, when I'm talking to couples and individuals in reference to the other sex, I tell them to just have absolutely no contact. Just because they say hi or initiate contact doesn't mean it is rude to not respond at all.