Thank you for the response! In summary, holding men accountable and creating a government reform that comes down harder on criminals. Gotcha.
I'm known as a positive individual, ask anyone, including my wife.
This (society) is as good as it gets. #DefundThePolice and #PoliticalSexTrafficking in America is not helping. And try other countries, like Iraq, New Delhi, and Congo where women can do much less than American women (so where are we setting the line?). Nonetheless, (and I'm sorry) but where in my article did you hear me say don't hold men accountable? Or was it the fact that I told women to do something, anything at all, just 1 thing? To quote, with the first story, all I said was don't buckle your seatbelt lol. I understand some believe women are responsible for taking no measure at all, like that one lady who wanted to fight the Middle East stigma and found herself naked and under a boulder the next day. I don't want to see that happen to women.
Someone must not have read anything else I've written if they think I don't hold men accountable lol. I hold everyone to a standard that most people say "that's too high." As former Military Police, me seeing civilian law enforcement run around in circles yelling commands that no one follows, trying to protect themselves, that type of government will never hold men accountable. What you want, is for me to write articles about government reform, that's not happening, because government will not take an online article into the policy office.
So, without my type of government, a government that instills fear into the hearts of criminals, men will not be held accountable. States that have the highest gun laws have the worst stats. Men respond by not reading signs, but by fear and motivation. In fact, people who talk about government reform instead of going into politics are the ones who are doing women the less justice.
I recall a psychological study from college that I researched. The psychologist talked with teen girls. One middle school girl of the study said that there is a particular boy who walks into her bathroom when he sees her go in there and no other girl in there does anything. This girl said, and I quote, "it's just what boys do."
If my future daughter (coming in July!) were to say that, me and some school will be having words. That would infuriate me. But anyways, should I write about teen girls standing by watching what happened in that bathroom on a daily basis and waiting for us to hold men accountable? What does that say to that young girl? Therapy for the next 30 years.
Lastly, women with mental disorders are over 90% more likely to become victims, chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ There are studies linking male mental diagnosis to a higher risk to commit sexual abuse, as well. I'd like to see someone hold them accountable.
My articles help people today, so that I don't hear sad stories, tomorrow. What can women do, today, to make sure they survive the reality of government today? People who are emotionally abused by their supervisors, should they quit work today and wait for the government to help, resulting in homelessness? Or is there some professional development that they can obtain which can turn their situation around? We must adapt to the country in which we live UNTIL we get good government installation. Things could change tomorrow, all I'm saying is just hold on today.
In this reality, I seem to have a heart to help women much more than anyone I've seen on here yet.
- mental disorders
- teen boys
- not just adult male criminals
Each must be addressed.