This happened to an American reporter when she was over in, maybe Syria, when a riot essentially started. Then, all of a sudden some she caught the attention of some of the men who used that opportunity to grab her up. She was "crowd surfing" before the crowd took her to the ground and ripped everything off.
Although I believe in personal morality, why someone would be around a mob of men in at a place where law enforcement is NOT, is insanity. Like I said, I believe in morality, but men to go to mobs and riots do not believe in morality.
When I was in the military police we had trainings about where to walk, what time, how to look, etc. Because all it takes is a group of men given a perfect opportunity to do an act they will only get the chance to do once in their life. Oddly, this woman and the reporter lived. If a mob this size in the US popped off, I think they would not walk away.
But anyways, this will continue to happen until we can prevent people who would make bad parents not have kids. I did not have the best parents, but good enough that I find no interest in going to depression f*cking bars, mobs (what a concert? I don't even know why 400 men would be at one place), etc.
Lastly, if there are 400 sexually deprived men in one area, who tf would be so insane to use that time to "test morality"? If I was a woman you would never fine me anywhere where I could be overpowered.
Seriously. What is the statistic (from a scholarly source) 45% of women have been at MINIMUM grabbed at least once in their lifetime? Life is too short to have to live with trauma like that.
I hate being the one to say this, but since I've been to the Middle East, I can say in full confidence that is not the place to female. You know, in I think it was the 70's or 80's, women in Saudi Arabia wore jeans. Now they wear hijabs and have no idea about women back then. Guess why things changed? Islam. Even 2 guys could attack a woman in most, 85% of Middle Eastern countries and have their way. Even if she said it was rape, her dignity is gone. Doesn't matter how, and how her whole town looks at her in shame.
Now about the Taliban. They take books away from girls and they only let mothers teach submission. All religious context is taught by terrorists. Or they die. When I was in Afghanistan I took the heat off the women, so they could travel together, read, and not have to worry about terrorists as much. Now guess what's happening to women in Afghanistan? Things that make me wonder how this TikToker when viral with women and not the women raped, then their head cut off by a 17-year old boy with a dull machete in front of her kids, as a warning to all women of the town to never disobey the Taliban.
We started making friends with some Afghanis over there. Now, all the women will go back to Stockholm Syndrome and never trust foreigners because bad men said not to. Or they die. Men use the female brain on abuse to keep women in chains.
Want to stop the madness? Start a war. You cannot talk to a mob like you see in this video. But, if there were no mob, you save thousands of women and you send a message to men. You send the American Woman Message to men. And that is, "I have a gun in my purse" and that makes men find a weaker target. No man wants shot. So, if you want to help women, make the government give all women a pistol. When bad men realize that no woman is vulnerable, you will see sexual crime go down.
But, if you want to deplete bad men from existence, raise good men. There's only 1 way to raise a man. Only 1.
I know this was long, but I hate seeing women attacked. Boils my blood. Especially if something was preventable.