This is right up my alley, well, was.
To Women:
We had a saying in Korea, in the Military Police when talking with American Soldiers - "nothing good happens after dark." This goes both ways, if any soldier was out after dark, we watched them, too. That would include you, if you are out. When we say "nothing", you are not the exception.
Strap in.
*Parental Disclaimer*
How do I avoid rape? I'm never out after dark. For anything. And I'm not missing anything "fun"; spending money is only fun when it lasts longer than restroom breaks. There's nothing after dark that I want to do, aside from fireworks - and I don't do fireworks alone, obviously.
Here are a few pointers that anyone can take from our training (when I say "in the Military Police", this is where military and civilian law enforcement differ and why less Military Police die on duty):
- In the Military Police I will ALWAYS be one level of force above you - or I'm waiting for backup. I'm never trying to tase anyone who is wearing more than a t-shirt. Too easy. We don't play around (in the 70's, MP's would ride in groups, in vans). Deadly force is authorized for the threat of "life, limb, OR eyesight". Meaning, if your weapon can threaten eyesight, my pistol is authorized by law. No exceptions. I'm going home, it's up to you if you are. You can use this common sense tool, too.
- Any drink that your face is not facing, is gone. Buy another. Not your friend's face! Yours.
- Even in Korea all soldiers were made to have a second soldier with them. What makes civilians so special? If it's after dark, I would suggest women travel in a group of 4 (because at some point, at least one will have her back turned). As long as people don't have the fear of God or of law, you are in danger. That's why when people fear law, they don't approach you. And fearing law is why Military Police is effective for keeping the peace (additionally, MP's hold the rank of the highest officer on post. Saying "no" to any legal command is saying "no" to the colonel or even the 4-star general). People need to respect the peacekeepers and criminals need to fear them. Warriors are not scared of the weak, neither are criminals.
- If you allow someone within arm's distance, you're already gone (the first punch goes to the aggressor, you get the second). I never let anyone walk up to me after dark, even at gas stations. I point right at them and raise my voice "Do not come near me, do not come near me for any reason" (Yes, I've done this when a person walked over to ask for money).
- What she carries in her purse tells me her worth in her eyes. Small airhorns are great! Screechers. Guns. No pepper spray, you'll probably spray yourself a little bit, too. No brass knuckles, you are not a boxer and you will probably miss your target (your punch is not scary, your method of response needs to send a message that you are a bad MF or BAMF). We can fight the "stigma" if we want, but nature doesn't care, to be honest. After dark or 9 p.m. she better be conceal carrying. How can you be one level of force higher when they have a knife if you are not "carrying"? That's up to you, natural selection is in your hands. Stigma or not, roll the dice.
Here is are pointer from me:
- If you are out on the town, no one is your friend. I don't care how many one liners he knows or how "corporate relevant" he is. All men are Sh*t. And your friends are only as good as they are intelligent while drunk - and they are not.
- To be safe against anything, just be as prepared as you would against me, knowing the little you know about me. You get 4 seconds once I take action to make me change my mind or drop me in the street. If you can meet that standard, you're golden.
- Don't be stupid, fill up your car before dark or call a taxi that has a camera.
As soon as you open your car door, even before the door is shut, lock the doors. I do this even during the day. That way no one can slip in the back seat once you get in and say "let's go the ATM".
- Schedule a taxi or friend, send them a picture of your ID, and have them call 911 if you are late. You know, to get the police report started.
- Never trust 2+ men talking with you if there are 2 or less in your group. Remember, 95% of traumatized women trusted the guy (probably dated or married him...). If I am a good catch (and been pretty well-trained) and you will not find me out after dark, then 2+2=4, who the f*ck are them saints? God made women hesitant for a reason, hesitation is a women's subconscious intelligence. After dark, trust your dad and your brothers, that's it. Men after dark want 1 of 2 things, unless they are out with their friends and they ignore you.
Remember, you are as free as criminals fear law.
And if there are no enforcers... you're just gambling with your dignity or your finances. But, hey, smile, at least you're not in Congo and you are not in a country where only criminals have guns.
A Couple True Stories:
Always be one level of force above everyone, dialing 9-1-1 has a response time of at least 5 minutes and that's a lifetime when you are in heels. We were told in the Military Police that the longer a Military Policeman is "on scene" the greater chances of sh*t going down.
- You can YouTube police videos, any traffic stop that took longer than 6 minutes, someone went to jail or died. There was a video when an officer took too long and a friend of the perp drove up to the traffic stop and shot the officer in the face. And this brings up my last point, NEVER stand in one place for long. If you are drinking, bar hop with a group.
- A woman wanted to make a point because she HATED the stigma of the Middle East (good job, college), so she went to a country alone. Due to timing, she ended up at a train station late at night. She was found under a boulder the next morning.
- Don't be a hero unless you've been there, done that. The world will always win.
- A study was published about burglaries. European burglars said they robbed homes with a lot of cars because they were the only ones with a gun. American ones said they robbed empty homes because they did not want to get shot. Which "home" are you when you are out past dark? Naked or packing some death angel?
Follow this and you will never be raped; someone else will. You know, 90% of homes in India have large courts in their homes, build one for you and build a nice bar. Just saying.