We know her security team was male, we them trying to hold her in the video, but with dozens of men pulling it's impossible to assist.
The comments online were by men who wanted to see the video, so I don't and wouldn't expect those comments to be good. I did not comment on the video, commenting doesn't help her. I would sign a government petition. That does a little more to help.
I encourage you to rip into men's feelings. Go for it. You see, that's what US Military Special Operation Training like SEALs and Special Forces do. They push and push the trainees to quit. Only the people who have the heart of a warrior stay. In 2017 only 3% of men passed US Army Special Forces Selection. Today it might be around 10 - 15 %. So, of course there will be more gutless cowards with that much time on their hands, because real men are working or with families. Again, I don't want you to feel you have to cater to weak men. Let them have it. We don't need them. We sure af don't need them raising kids. The kids turn out like the male specimens in this video.