When Life Deals you All The Aces
Defining the composition of my bold, expressive, & seemingly hard-nosed content. Like many, there is this passion and drive to give easily-accessible information that presents people here and there a chance to live exactly like they have always aimed for. Minus the useless billion pages of sh** content no one asked for or needs.
Briefly wanted to cover the apparent public disposition that having all the aces is impossible and to explain how the content I share still falls within Medium guidelines.
We all know that the math 2+2=4 is the math that NASA used to get to space, take pictures, and do some moonwalking. So, we understand 2+3=4 would not have cut it when working with jet fuel, oxygen, and microchips. People’s lives are at stake. I take that very seriously, too.
I believe one can have all the aces — whether they were born with them as an imminent thing thanks to awesome parents or they are gained through life or coaching. That is not to say one will be perfect in executing, not make mistakes, or look totally unflattering while doing it. But I believe everyone can have all aces that they will specifically need for their own signature life. Until they switch jobs or another large life change or curveball comes in. And no, getting in the wrong relationship is not a curveball, not falling for the bulls*** prevalent in jackapples is one of the aces.
The most common excuses:
“But, ________” says a millenial in what theologians call “a fatherless generation”
“But, _______” says a child of abuse or neglect.
“But, _______” says a single mother or father who has to do everything her/himself and has been failed by the person who was supposed to always be there.
“But, _______” says a 30-year old man raised by a workaholic single parent without good trade skills or certifications.
“Josh, how do you know ___________, because you have not _________?”
You see, none of most questions I answer is of any concern of nature’s. Your specific experience is not a statistical significance of natural law. Nature will be the first one to watch you freeze to death after you are lost in the Rocky Mountains or get tore apart by a wild animal. Which is what single mothers feel like half the week. Nature will be the first one to watch you lose the only job interview you were able to secure in 45 years by a person who was given all the aces, just turned 27, and never worked to earn anything in their life. Nature will watch you get snagged up a day after birth from a parent’s arms who did not have a concealed carry permit and nature will not even care. Laws were designed to keep you happy, flourishing, and safe within boundaries. Boundaries give true freedom.
Let’s take parenting for example. To say someone does not understand principles of basic upbringing and moral compass principles is to say ALL of the following. Not just one of these, but freaking all of this:
- They can’t teach.
- They do not know right from wrong (knowing what is right is a basic principle that was defined since the beginning of all things)(and that does not apply to just knowing what is right for a specific person’s current status).
- We all heard the term “baby under the bed while mom works above the bed” — that is to say our fictional character was just told by the people who have used the above excuses that they know less of proper upbringing than that person. (In this situation we are being respectful and saying the “worker” was there by choice and not need or by force)
- Of all the thousands of teen parents our fictional character (who is 39 years old) would be worse than them, too. Because the teens portrayed a more grandeur lifestyle than Jesus even. I mean, what does He know? Not that the Bible says for us to emanate Him or anything ha-ha. The hospital must magically upload parenting tools in the brains of everyone who has a kid.
- Of the thousands and thousands of parents who died in Haiti during the earthquake in 2010 — all the siblings that had to raise their younger siblings are better parents than our fictional character, too, when the siblings were forced in gangs and did not have any actual skill or trade at the age of 13. But, parenting is different. Parenting is magical unicorn dust.
- Christians, let me pick on you for a second — what is your divorce rate? How many of you did not love or even like the person you married, even at the beginning? You were just taking them off the market because they were hot and you were settling. And that also includes the rate of which people have had sex before marriage, because according to Christian teaching, sex is marriage content. Christians, apologizes, but since I’ve been an active cover-to-cover Christian to include the 3-dimensional principle of Christ since I was in pre-k, you will always have my attention :)
- Lastly, and the fathers who impregnated, left, and ran away. Our fictional character must be less of a teacher with less potential. Certainly. So mothers, hold on to her psychopath.
You see, it is not about where you end up that defines your intelligence and ability. Even someone’s capability or capacity (or capacibility…) Even the Bible doesn’t say that. Outwardly, marriage is just a piece of paper and parenting could just be accidentally having a child or having a child while on meth or in an orgy. What makes you who are is the right choices you make, the Why you made the choices, and the understanding of laws and principles. If we don’t know why we made a choice we can’t take credit for it, either. Parenting is also teaching the right choices in the right way that will allow the little ones to understand and follow in the right path for their own specific current situations.
A person does not have to be in your shoes to understand you. There are roughly 30 different emotions that encompass 400,000 life situations. Each life situation looks different in another country, too.
I have a gift. It’s an intuitive gift. And you are not out of my scope, statistically speaking.
The aces are:
- The ability to live the cards of life you were dealt with joy and success. The specifics will alter per person.
I’m still figuring out my aces, too, because yearly things change that I have to adapt to. We are all in the same boat. Just some of us have a passion for helping others in the boat of their choice. And the rest are hurting, introverts, or selfish. (Think about it. Do you have time? Give it. Do you have money but no time? Give it. Etc.).
My pastor said a while back: “We are building on the unshakable”. That is profound! And true.
That is what are doing here, there is an unshakable place to be anchored.
All of my content is built from a concept that is unshakable and can answer everything you could ever dream of. Many have said that the “anchor” has been debunked — but it is still being used currently by every religion and non-religious person on the map. The people who said it was debunked are part of the group that is hurt emotionally, psychologically, or physically (the quotes from the top are people in this group). People who speak negatively, not with careful assertion, take what they say with a grain of salt, with terms, with restriction, and with demur.
I’m not saying you should accept Christ — personally I think you should, but you have the freedom of choice and I will always respect you. Salvation is not my point. In fact, I have coached people who believe the complete opposite of me several times — still the principle pillars remained each time. Living the life you would die for is my point. I’m not talking God. I’m talking life principles. 2+2=4 is the universal concept for 99% of earth’s math.
Law is law, regardless where you get it from. All science is anchored to their core and I’m here to help anchor you to yours.
All I do, is I take the principles and apply them to each individual or couple that comes see me. I use them to create a new template for each person or couple, not to tell the person what to do. But to give them the tools and the instructions on how to use them, not just the tools to look like a little 7-year old girl with a chainsaw.
I would not call myself “qualified”, just well versed enough to help. If I can’t help I’ll be honest and help you find someone who can.
For example: when I used to work in a group home as a parent and one of the boys said often “stop judging, Mr. Josh” and the room would laugh, I’d say in a joking manner “I’m not judging by legal terminology or otherwise; I am evaluating the observations with studied research to come to the most scientifically plausible and stable conclusion”. The same boy began using my quote, showing that technicality is accurate and people who are willing to learn will adjust with it, regardless of belief system. What’s true is true.
Combat Procedures:
- First, get the person to safety.
- Second, check for bleeding and responsiveness (if it is unclear). Stop all bleeding.
- Third, do a more thorough assessment for other injuries and radio for help if the situation requires it.
One point for getting someone, even yourself to safety, is because the enemy will try to divide you from the rest of us, from your family, from your friends, from true relationship, etc. — just divide you and get you alone. Pinning you against a wall or in a corner. That is step 1 for nature and the enemy. So our step 1 is to regain control of you while you are down-and-out. Meaning, you can’t save yourself at that current time because knowledge, skills, etc. If the enemy, bad thoughts, trauma, etc. can divide you, then it knows after some time it can stop worrying about you because you will be too far away from the rest of your unit and pose no threat to them. They can even walk right up to you and you will obey whatever lies they tell you. Soon you will believe it.
Same thing for people and couples who come to see me:
- There is a definite safety net.
- Cut off any hurt or anything not apparently healthy. Or work on it.
- Then assess for anything lesser in mind, body, or spirit or psychosocial that could be causing intrusion or injury. (which sets me apart from everyone you have paid for help in the past)
- Release you. I don’t want to keep you, I don’t do repeat customers if I can help it. I want you back in your life and excelling at high velocity and keeping the momentum of your world. Me taking your money keeps it from being invested in your future, thus making me your enemy, too.
Side note: someone who is physically injured, scared, anxious, or in any type of emotional distress is not in a place to continue to fight or even know that what they just said is not true (2+2=417) unless they are special operations (even the strongest have issues eventually. In special operations the fight is harder and many injuries are ignored until the operation is over — but that is only applicable to military operations and not applicable to your life. But, even SEALs fix everything in their life before the next operation). In the US Coast Guard they teach the rescue swimmers that someone drowning will more than likely be hostile out of fear and potentially hurt the rescue swimmer. The swimmer will have to take measures to get the job done. Anyone who is hurt, has the potential to hurt you. A hurt animal is dangerous. A hurt person might not intentionally hurt you, but it is possible. They are people, not good, not bad; at the moment they just need a break and be pulled to safety, check for bleeding, get patched up, and move on. That’s it. However, a hurt man in mind or spirit will definitely mess you all up for years to come. Never lower the standard — in order to understand the standard of man, you have know the principles of healthy masculinity.
My content will never fail you. It will be hard to swallow at times, especially for those who have been taught the complete opposite. There have been several people who wanted to hit me ha-ha. But, remember! Nature is not on your side. Rewiring bad habits or a hurt past will not be fun and will be messy. But, you deserve a great life. You only get 1 life, let me make it easier.
- If there is something I say that does not make sense, ask. Let’s dialogue. These posts are really short, but there are years and years of content behind each point and I may have not been clear enough.
- If I do not know something I will tell you “I do not know, but I will find out if needed” — because I live by the principles I present. Lying and misinformation is like a fire to the framework we are trying to build.
- I am safe for couples in individual sessions (I will do individual sessions). Reason: I don’t want your significant other. Reason: They have heart ties to you. I can’t live with that. I have enough experience and knowledge to know that even someone with a past who is not currently in a relationship still has heart ties with someone from freaking 8 years ago, maybe 15, so someone in a current relationship? Nobody but a**holes not going anywhere has time for that — and a**holes don’t want relationship anyways. Love is heart surgery for women (or for a woman with a family without love for the man) and the mess things will be in her life if I try to divide a couple is catastrophic. Not appealing to me. I am not wasting my own time. Takes way too long to heal that, then conduct another heart surgery. (which is another fact: ready? If someone is hurt and you divide the couple using the words “I’m a friend” or “here to help”. But, more than likely if love is not there between you two, then one day they will show up with a significant other and make you go “Ugh, okay, so f-me then, I guess”. They will not see you as a potential boyfriend — yes, I’m talking about women. Women will put you in a nurse category. Good in theory and great to watch in a nurse uniform (maybe even try once), but once they leave the hospital, shoot, they gone!! Ha! And if a guy is there to help you, they are there for themselves. Yes, they care about you, they care about you being happy in the relationship. Yep, that is their intention.) So, check out this note → When a Relationship Has a Past: https://joshualyon74.medium.com/when-a-relationship-has-a-past-574131f8155a. And for women who think men are there to merely help you through a rough time, read the last link below. Last point for this bullet point, I cannot say other coaches and people are not safe, I’m just saying whenever I meet a professional, the first session is just me evaluating them to see if I’m safe (and if I’m “with someone” and if the professional is a dude, ultra evaluating — because I can only promise this last bullet point belongs to me. All other men must promise over their life the same thing or I’m not going back — and if they are my age, I’m still not going back — and if “she” wants to go back, um, just like I said, division. If she purposely chooses division, see ya, because she actually chose another man over me already, ha! She will again and again, too — I am a means to something selfish to her, not potentially another half. Truth just came out). Don’t just trust people — have you been to a gym when the boyfriend or husband leaves? (joke — but not a joke). If I had a dollar for everytime a man or woman told me about the gym… we’d be here all day. I’ve been in the military, I know about gyms and training together… ok. Been there, done that. I can see me 10 years ago a mile away, ha-ha, and f-that.