Yes! I agree that psychology and every other field of science agrees that humans can develop, heal, succeed, and move forward when the ships are burned, when the drawbridges are disengaged, and the walls are built with us inside. You get to explore your world in the absence of fear. Not negative fear, but wisdom. We lock our doors at night not out of fear, but out of knowledge and wisdom. We are not scared of people and things that are not trustworthy, but we don’t give them that trust to begin with. People with a metal fence all the way around their house with a gate on their driveway are the smartest. They tend to be the most successful, as well. There is no division that can happen, there are no surprises, everyone has to call before the gate is open.
In a relationship if your ships are not burned, I will wait for you to burn them - if, of course, it shows that you are willing to burn them. Because if you refuse to burn the ships that means you still love them. My marriage is going to suck at that point. Relationships that are pointing to marriage even, one of the principles behind lifelong marriage is to believe there is no option b, there are no ships, there are no drawbridges; you build your empire with that one person you choose.
Burning your ships is a beautiful thing! It shows your development! It shows your commitment and confidence in your steps!